I planned to read those books 📚 in 2022, but the plan shifted to 2023 or maybe when I have the mood to read them.
I was planning to make a list at the beginning of every year of the books I’m planning to read, but it is better to pick a book depending on my mood or my current interest.
So tell me, do you make a list of books you're going to read, or do you base it on your mood?
Reading a book for me is, mostly, about seeking an awnser for a question that I have, or deepenning or expanding my knowledge in a specific topic. Not to forget also the joy of having a mind voyage in a novel boat from time to time.
More than the mood, I think that the curiusety that sparks in the mind once reading the book title, and the magic of attraction that a good writer will add for the introduction, are the door shutters that invite the curius reader to dive into that books univers. If not to read it all in a day, maybe to spend ceveral minuts of reading every day.
Nothing atracts a reader better than some curiusity,…