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Hi, Welcome to my blog!

I’m Tagreed, Sudanese by blood and a citizen of the world, a legal and compliance by profession, and a researcher in international law. As a result of my international background, I had the opportunity to gain intriguing global experiences. I have learned a lot in my journey in both personal and professional endeavours. I’ve always been an avid reader, and culture and art fanatic.


I decided to start this bilingual blog to share a little bit of my lifestyle, travel, writing short stories, my love of art and everything and anything that makes life joyful and a blessing “if it’s helpful to me, it would be helpful for you as well”. I hope it will make your day more inspiring and productive to motivate you to create something beautiful.


I believe we should have a sense of meaning in every tiny detail in our life as worthy prospects.

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© 2023 by Tagreed Hassan

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